Why do you use a Diaper Rash Ointment?
Seems like a rather dumb question, doesn’t it? Your child has developed diaper rash, and you want it gone! It is painful, and can damage...

Go Diaper Free to Heal Diaper Rash
Wetness leads to diaper rashes. The most important step to prevent and heal diaper rash is to avoid prolonged exposure to wetness. ...

How to Avoid Diaper Rashes with Cloth and Disposable Diapers
Whether you choose to use cloth or disposable diapers, you can avoid diaper rashes by keeping your baby dry. Dryness is key. Always...

Diaper Rash; Are you treating all the symptoms?
Diaper rash happens! It is caused by moisture, and it can be painful and damage the skin if left untreated. The common treatment is a...

How to Treat Heat Rash
If you or your child has developed an eruption of little red or pink bumps on the skin, it may be heat rash – also known as prickly heat...

5 Uses for Diaper Rash Cream Every Mom Should Know
Mom Blogger, Emily from Baby Dickey discovered 5 uses for Pinxav diaper rash cream that every mom should know about. In addition to...

10 Safe Spring Cleaning Tips for Child Safety
While Spring Cleaning this season, follow these 10 Safe Spring Cleaning Tips for Child Safety. Avoid Unintentional Exposure to Children –...